
Free Academic Plagiarism Checker

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  1. Free Academic Plagiarism Checker Download

Free Academic Plagiarism Checker Download


Academic Plagiarism is a specialized online software for detecting and preventing academic plagiarism. Using sophisticated algorithms and advanced finger-printing technology, Academic Plagiarism is able to run comprehensive plagiarism checks against billions of web pages, books, academic journals, online publications and a large database of pre-written essays and papers. Detailed plagiarism reports are generated, highlighting potential plagiarism and a direct link to the source of the duplicate content. Academic Plagiarism checker is trusted by thousands of individual users, we well as colleges and other academic institutions from around the globe. Academic Plagiarism offers multiple subscription plans for single users and academic institutions. Full Specifications What's new in version 3.01 beta Version 3.01 beta may include unspecified updates, enhancements.

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